Author: Mukuldeep Maiti

strategy for India to be world’s number 1 economy

strategy for India to be world’s number 1 economy

Becoming the world’s number one economy is a complex and long-term goal that requires a comprehensive strategy. Here are some key strategies that India could consider to enhance its economic growth and competitiveness: Infrastructure...

How do I mock an external dependency in Rust

How do I mock an external dependency in Rust

In Rust, you can mock an external dependency using various techniques, depending on the nature of the dependency. Here are a couple of commonly used approaches: Dependency injection: This involves structuring your code in...

write hello world program in COBOL

write hello world program in COBOL

Certainly! Here’s an example of a “Hello, World!” program written in COBOL: IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. PROGRAM-ID. HELLO-WORLD. AUTHOR. YOUR-NAME. PROCEDURE DIVISION. DISPLAY ‘Hello, World!’. STOP RUN. In COBOL, the program structure is divided into various...

Print all sub-arrays with 0 sum 0

Print all sub-arrays with 0 sum

Given an array of integers, it is often required to find all sub-arrays with a sum equal to 0. This problem can be solved using the hashing approach. Approach: Hashing The hashing approach involves...

n smallest element in an array 0

n smallest element in an array

Finding the X smallest elements in an array is a common problem in computer science and data analysis. The algorithm for finding the X smallest elements in an array can be implemented in various...